Why HIS Inside&Out?
A few days before starting to work on this website, I started designing the logo. I had NO IDEA what the name of this blog would be. Having been praying and thinking about it, the name HIS Inside&Out would constantly enter my head. I felt that God wanted me to find the significance within its name.
The meaning of the word “his” is “that or those belonging to him.” The reason I used this as the first part of the name, is to remind you that you BELONG to God. Psalm 100:3 says, “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” I don’t know about you, but knowing that I belong to God makes me feel loved and special.
I included the phrase Inside&Out to express that I belong to God mentally, emotionally, and physically. There have been moments where people, myself included, have been embarrassed or scared about telling others what we believe. We probably feel this way, because we want to fit in or we want others to like us. The truth is that we shouldn’t be, God bought us and we belong to him, we shouldn’t feel less than anyone. On the contrary, we should let others know about him. The reason I added Inside&Out, was to remind me that EVERYTHING about me belongs to him. It should remind us that we need to act like we actually belong to him on the outside as well. God bless.
Don’t forget to smile,